Guest lecture
The Intelligent Ruin
Bart Vanden Driessche
BLAF architecten, BE
22 May 2024
Wednesday, 18:00
HS 1, Alte Technik, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz
The climate is changing fast. Needs and desires are changing quickly. The building economy does not follow and is changing far too slowly.
BLAF‘s architecture continually evolves and adapts to these changes, with experiment and research. We are committed to gaining new insights through small-scale construction research and experiments that can lead to an impact on the building economy.
Yet we have to make choices again and again and we make mistakes due to unexpected changes or unexplored knowledge. Yet we always have to make choices and release a building without keeping control over it.
What is an intelligent choice? What remains and what becomes a ruin? What is an intelligent ruin?